Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I wanted to share a poem I wrote in college for my final poetry reading. I was so scared to get up in front of a whole group of poets and classmates and read aloud. I am thinking of starting again because it always made me feel better. Here is the first poem I'd like to share. 


I didn’t know what a wake was.
Dimly lit flowers and candles.
Sniffles and organs and whispers of prayers
I played to my cousins
and the big faces said  STOP!  In their eyes
unconscious gazing in silence so severe it
echoed through the halls.

My sister began crying
now time to view the body
It came out of hiding, jumped in front of me
glazed donut brown filled
with cream colored pillows
soft divine light shining from inside out.
Gray putty skin, air sucked from her pores, perfectly placed curls.

Pink lipstick she stood wiping off.
little me. Nose peaking over the edge.
Up two steps to a lapse of eternity.
I stared for a too long time.
Didn’t cry but felt it carve deeper and deeper as I looked,
No blinks, it’s the last time I’ll see her, leaving me here.

I don’t want to be awake.
I want to fall back asleep
Dream seeing her again.

Dream Song
Fall 2007

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