When you are getting ready to deliver your baby it can make you nervous not knowing when or what is going to happen. Just try to plan for what you can control, pack your bags, and be ready to roll with the punches.
What's In The Bag?
For Mom:
1. Large overnight bag - 1 or 2 smaller bags (for free stuff from the hospital - diapers, blanket etc...you know mama likes free stuff)
2. Folder - to hold paper work, birth certificate health insurance info preferably plastic in case of a spill
3. Robe, preferable long and large and comfy.
4. Slippers and or shower shoes or flip flops
5. Stretchy Clothes or nursing nightgown. Nursing bra and underwear. You'll want to be comfortable when you leave the hospital. (clean shirt for partner)
6. Toiletries : Mini toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, chapstick, brush or comb, hair ties, face wash or wipes, moisturizer and body wash. After a shower or a freshen up you feel much better and your lips and skin may get extra dry. Must be feeling/looking good for those first photos!
7. Lanolin nursing cream for your nipples if you are nursing and nursing pads for your bra.
8. Electronics and chargers: Camera, camera charger, phone charger, ipad or tablet and charger if you want and then a small power cord to plug it all in.
9. Birthing items - calming music cd or candles in case you are in labor for a while, white noise machine.
10. Ear plugs or headphones and ipod in case you are near the door or have a noisy roommate
11. Snacks , a refillable water bottle and cash for the snack machine or cafeteria.
For Baby:
1. One outfit for baby to go home in and a newborn onesie and socks for pictures with family
2. Maybe wipes but NOT diapers, the hospital will give you plenty plus a whole lot more.
For Partner:
1. Change of clothes
2. Cash
3. Phone charger
4. CARSEAT on the last day! (Don't forget or they will not let you leave)
P.S. Definitely make sure a friend or family member stays with you the first night - you will be completely helpless, emotional, exhausted and the nurses will probably be busy or perhaps not too helpful when you are in pain. You'll need someone to chase them down when you need pain medicine, someone to get you water and/or help you to the bathroom! Cannot stress this enough!