Thursday, June 13, 2013

Playground Etiquette

Unofficial Rules for Playing in an Urban Playground:

  1. Never play in the muddy corners of the playground or behind benches - there could be urine or other foreign objects. At night homeless people, teenage kids and others use the playgrounds to get high, drunk or do the dirty so keep that in mind when your baby is playing in certain areas.
  2. A toy brought to the playground is up for grabs so if you or your child doesn't want to share their toy - put it away or maybe leave it at home because there will probably be a tug of war over it. 
  3. Young children especially don't understand ownership and some parents don't teach children how to respect other people's property so if you think it will break have an adult's only rule. ex: when we bring our bubble blower to the park I am the only one allowed to touch it so it doesn't break.
  4. Never put your hands or discipline another child unless their life is in danger. This one is very important because even if the child is bullying or taunting your kid their parent may not be paying attention and only see an adult yelling at their kid and that adult may be a bully too.
  5. If another child is acting wild feel free to play in another part of the playground and let the child's parent handle it.
  6. Keep an eye on your kid and other adults. Adults without children are not allowed in playground but that doesn't keep them out so make sure if you see a childless adult to keep your kids away.
  7. If the play ground is a dirty mess or someone is not following the posted rules feel free to call 311 or the parks department but don't hold your breath for a response.
  8. If you have a snack be prepared to share it but always ask the parents first. With all the allergies and food restrictions kids have it's better to be safe than sorry.
If you have any recommendations or rules you and your friends try to follow please feel free to share.