Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fall is here and so is Football

Every fall I look forward to the leaves turning colors, family birthday parties and the fashion of hooded sweatshirts, boots and comfy hats. Another fall tradition is football. From picking a fantasy football squad to getting football gear and lining up the games we must watch, football has become part of our schedule like church on Sundays. It is amazing how I have gotten to learn the language of football because my husband is so into it. I can't imagine being so involved in something without it being directly related to my life. He and his friends can have hour long conversations about football and yet not even remember to mention or ask about each other spouses, kids etc... It amazes me (and used to enrage me) to see the extent of the obsession but I have learned that unfortunately, like church, you just have to deal with it because it isn't going anywhere. I have tried to get involved but the most interesting football stats to me are; who is dating who and who the cutest quarterback is. While channel surfing I found a show on FX called "The League". It is about a group of guy friends who are in a football fantasy league together. It is one show both my husband and I can agree to watch. It is a hilarious show because not only do the friends rag on each other about their fantasy teams, they make fun of each others lives and their families are involved in the show as well. It reminds us of the crew of friends we have here in Queens. I would recommend it for any couple trying to connect during football season or giving it to your guy after you "accidentally" let his computer fall in the sink.
The League: The Complete First Season